After I chance some things in the backend with an artist or album I get all error messages in the frontend.
As an example I have made 2 images included.
I have chanced artist "the last warning" from search on L to T from "the", before the chanche all was fine after chance i get errors. this also happens when I have 2 artist with same name so I include the land code as (DE) with one and make a new one with a differend land code than also all errors in frontend.

Thanks for your time...

Responses (3)
  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, December 12 2014, 10:41 AM - #Permalink
    not really. "small bugs" would be if there were "warnings" and "errors" showing. "Notices" are not bugs, are just like "information from the system" about syntax and coding styles and techniques (suggestions, sort to say), but not bugs at all. they don't affect code in any way.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, December 12 2014, 10:39 AM - #Permalink
    Setting it to simple solved the visible problem. but isn't this some kind off a small bug..?

    Anyway thanks..

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  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, December 08 2014, 10:38 AM - #Permalink
    this is strange.
    in any case these are just notices. Please go to Joomla global configuration, and set the Error reporting to "simple".
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