Is there anyway of seeing a list of all the invoices sent by email. i.e. an email log of invoices sent. We have some issues with clients who say that they have not received an invoice even though we know we have sent it, but there does not appear to be a log of when it was sent. Is this possible?
Responses (4)
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Accepted Answer
0Thanks, and when is the new version due to be released?-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agowe are working on it. I estimate it will take about 1 month, or 2 tops.
Accepted Answer
sorry if we forgot to notify you.. our couple last versions of IM already inlcude this feature (you will see the "last sent" date for each invoice)
Also our newest version (1.4.7) includes an automatic version checker, so you will know if you're always using the latest version of Invoice Manager
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