
Concerns => Invoice Manager Version 3.2.4 / PDF version

I need one item per invoice.
But the item's description should allow some line breaks to make it explicit for my customers.

Since I did not get any answer on my previous mail, to get these line breaks to fit my immediate needs, I changed:
FILE => administrator/components/com_invoices/templates/invoice/items.php
input  class="form-control input-desc" to textarea class="form-control input-desc"

My question is how to get The PDF version to not strip these line breaks?

I am not a Joomla developer to continue hacking your code.
But It is urgent and I will be grateful for a quick answer.

Best regards,
Responses (1)
  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, July 17 2020, 12:06 PM - #Permalink
    Never mind.
    I found my way in components/com_invoices/views/invoice/tmpl/default.php
    L:136 changed to  str_replace("\n", "", $item->desc),

    Probably will be overridden by your next update.
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