Exact time of conversion?

I implemented conversion tracking to one of my breezing forms, and now i need to connect which submitted form is connected to particular conversion.
Since my form shows exact time when it is submitted, how can I modify to see exact time of conversion too in Joomla backend, so I can compare times of both.... since right now it shows only date?

If someone has better idea how to connect conversion to particular form submission, please suggest.
Thanks for helping,
Responses (1)
  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, April 18 2016, 11:41 AM - #Permalink
    it's only a matter of date format.. the exact time of conversion is stored in the DB, but when shown in the backend, it is shown only the DAY (not time)

    if you change the date format in /administrator/components/com_affiliatetracker/views/conversions/tmpl/default.php you will see the datetime too.
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