There's an error on affiliate signup, JError class doesn't exist.
Seems there are a couple of instances left on the J4 product.
There's an error on affiliate signup, JError class doesn't exist.
Seems there are a couple of instances left on the J4 product.
Responses (17)
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Accepted Answer
0Same issue here
Class 'JError' not found
See debug reporting details in attached screenshot #1. In #2, the list of installed AT plug-ins
Joomla 4.4
Affiliate Tracker J4-
Germinal Campsmore than a month agohello,
when do you get this error? what is the moment in which this happens?
Accepted Answer
0Upon submitting new affiliate enrollment form. Same error on at least 2 different websites I've checked.
Germinal Campsmore than a month agoHello,
I've corrected this error on Affiliate Tracker 4.0.2 which you can download. Let me know if it works.
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0amelcher wrote:
Is this still an active project? Many of us have the same issue and haven't gotten any response from the developer in months...
I wouldn't call it active. If an issue arises with the component, there's no assurance that it will be addressed in timely manner. It's unfortunate, the component could be special, with more attention given to it. I won't be using it any further. -
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Accepted Answer
0In the meantime, the workaround I am using is using Fabrik, I created a form that collects the same info as the new affiliate form that is now broken on J5 sites. I use the JUser form plugin to create a new user, then the affiliate user plugin kicks in and creates a new affiliate account entry in the aaffiliate_accounts table.
I then use the php form plugin that follows the user fabrik plugin to update the new affiliate account with the remaining information collected in the forms. It's a 2-3 hour process from start to finish, but once it's done, you get the benefits of Affiliate Tracker on J5...
I can include more detailed info if anybody in this thread is interested.... -
Accepted Answer
0Good Joomla extension dev. & tef book.
www.dionysopoulos.me/book.html?fbclid=iw...btdgegmvodbkqbwsktai -
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Accepted Answer
0I spent some time looking into this at the start of this thread and as I mentioned earlier, the issue isn't the Jerror (that was a symptom) the underlying issue is the extension is using deprecated Joomla code to create a new user and those functions should be updated by Germinal otherwise nobody will be able to create a new new account if it entails creating a new Joomla user.
Also - Germinal: the ability to publish/unpublish marketing items in the backend is broken as well. I updated the following file to comply with php8 standards and it works now:
publish() and unpublish() functions:
function publish()
$cids = $this->input->get( 'cid', array(0), 'default', 'array' );
$db = Factory::getContainer()->get('DatabaseDriver');
if (is_array($cids) && count($cids)) {
foreach ($cids as $cid) {
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
// Update query
->set($db->quoteName('publish') . ' = 1')
->where($db->quoteName('id') . ' = ' . (int) $cid);
return true;
function unpublish()
$cids = $this->input->get( 'cid', array(0), 'default', 'array' );
$db = Factory::getContainer()->get('DatabaseDriver');
if (is_array($cids) && count($cids)) {
foreach ($cids as $cid) {
$query = $db->getQuery(true);
// Update query
->set($db->quoteName('publish') . ' = 0')
->where($db->quoteName('id') . ' = ' . (int) $cid);
return true;
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