EasySocial Integration with Invoice Manager

In order to install our Invoice Manager - EasySocial integration, you need three pre-requisites:

  • Expense Manager extended version has to be installed in the system
  • EasySocial must be installed in the system
  • You must be running Joomla 2.5, 3.x or above

When you have all the pre-requisites, you can proceed to the integration as follows:

    1. Download the easy_social_invoicemanager_app_XXX.zip file from My Downloads area.
    2. To install it, this must be done from the applications sectioin of Easy Social. Uploading the file as shown in the image below.

Install EasySocial

    1. The next thing you need to do is to enable the application. To do so, go to Easy Social's applications menu, find The application called User - Invoice Manager and enable it

Enable EasySocial

How to display the App on your profile

Having all the previous steps completed, now you already can display and use the app on your profile of Easy Social.

Let's see how to achieve it:

    1. Go to the Easy Social frontend and click to your name at the top bar and then to applications.

Access apps

    1. Inside applications search the one called Invoice Manager and click on Install. The system will request you to understand the terms and conditions and it will install it.
    2. At this point, by going to your profile, on the left hand of the profile, you should see the Invoice Manager app. Now, by clicking on it, you can manage your invoices from your profile.

Easy social profile

How to hide the Go to invoice manager main view button

    1. Go to the backend part of Easy Social and hit applications.
    2. Search User - Invoice Manager and click on it.
    3. On the Configuration section, select No to hide the button.

Delete go to main button