
First of all looking at the features I found this component great. But I did not able to figure out following.
1. Is there a possibility to make a playlist out of the public stream (what others are listening at the moment)?
2. Can we assign same song to multiple Albums? So it acts like a song bank and I can create multiple different albums out of it.
3. If I need to do small changes here and there in the code according to my needs. So do I receive the source code encoded or without encoding?

My feeling at the moment is that if these items are supported then I would like to buy this component soon.

Hope to hear soon from you.

Responses (1)
  • Accepted Answer

    Friday, June 10 2011, 01:43 PM - #Permalink
    1 - no, not directly out of the box, sorry
    2 - the "song", as a database, is always UNIQUE. however, you can link all the songs to the same phisical file, soi no need to upload many times the same file. You know what I mean?
    3 - the source code is 100% open source, no encrypted code at all. You can do any change you need

    It looks like, besides point 1, the points 2 and 3 are supported out of the box!

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