Large thumbnail size

I noticed this issue with the size of thumbnails.

The MC settings set:

Thumbnails - Dynamic
Use cache for Dynamic thumbnail mode - YES

We get:
The original file (401px x 350px) - 33 kb

Thumbnail (250px x 218px) (muscol_cache_250_8daa8c4e90_rc-album-011079.jpg) - 83 kb !!!!

Change settings:

Thumbnails - Dynamic
Use cache for Dynamic thumbnail mode - YES

We get:
The original file (350px x 350px) - 12 kb

Thumbnail (250px x 218px) (image.php.jpg) - 28 kb !!!!

It turns out that the weight of the small thumbnails more original large images

Thank you in advance

How to solve this problem?
Responses (2)
  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, January 17 2017, 08:06 PM - #Permalink
    Thank you for quick answer. I put the quality value of 85. It works perfectly. With this value thumbnails produced about half the size of the original file (12 kb vs. 30 kb).

    PageSpeed Insights removed the requirement for pictures after these changes.

    Problem solved. Thank you!
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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, January 17 2017, 04:23 PM - #Permalink

    this must be for the quality on the encoding of the original image VS the thumbnail.

    the fastest way you can try to solve this:

    file /components/com_muscol/helpers/graphics.php

    on line 19 this function is defined:

    function renderThumb($filename,$thb_width,$thb_height, $type_thumb = "album", $quality = 100){

    as you can see, the last paramter is the QUALITY parameter which is 100 (maximum) by default.

    You can change this to whatever you want, for example 30... like this:

    function renderThumb($filename,$thb_width,$thb_height, $type_thumb = "album", $quality = 30){

    give it a try, let me know if that works for you!
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