Limit the "add artist" function per user

How can I limit the number of artists created by user? I would like each user could just create your own profile.
Responses (3)
  • Accepted Answer

    Wednesday, May 01 2013, 03:04 PM - #Permalink

    the option to "add albums to artists created for him" is already available in Music Collection (see backend options)

    about limiting the number, the way to go would be to simply not allow to add more than 1.

    and maybe, the link to "add artists" takes him to his "edit artist" page if that is already available..

    but that requires a few new code changes (functions).. maybe you need a little of custom work there...
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sunday, April 28 2013, 01:11 PM - #Permalink

    Can you tell me what needs to be done? I thought of hiding the button "add artist" if the number of artists created by the user equal to 1.

    Furthermore, I would like the user could just add albums to artists created for him. For this, I thought of adding a WHERE user_id = current user in the query that shows the bands in form to add albums. But in what file is this query?

    Speaking of albums - sorry for so many questions - I have problems with the "my albums" tab. I performed the following steps:

    1. Install using Joomla extension manager.
    2. Install using Joomla extension manager.
    3. Install using CB plugin manager.
    4. Back to the front-end and insert login and password.
    5. When the login file is loaded, show the following error:

    Warning: require_once(C:\\wamp\\www\\musicaDScomponentsDScom_muscolDShelpersDShelpers.php) [function.require-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in C:\\wamp\\www\\musica\\components\\com_comprofiler\\plugin\\user\\plug_myalbums-musiccollection\\myalbums.php on line 6
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  • Accepted Answer

    Sunday, April 28 2013, 11:04 AM - #Permalink
    there's no limitation on the number of artists the user can create... this would need some custom coding made.
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