New field for taxes: description

I just purchased invoices manager and like it a lot already. I'm in Quebec (Canada) and we have 2 taxes here, TPS and TVQ. I was able to create the 2 taxes and they are properly applied to amounts. Invoices in Quebec require the tax numbers to be included close to the tax amounts. So I changed the tax names to be "TPS #1234-56789-1234" and "TVQ #00200-011-110022" and the invoices are now compliant. However, on the "Invoices dashboard", it creates 2 large columns for the tax amounts and wastes a lot of space on the screen. A suggestion to improve that would be to add a new field to each Tax, a description. So the tax name would be "TPS" and the description would be "#1234-56789-1234". On the template we could have both using {name} and {desc} (or similar) and on the invoices dashboard, only the name would be used.
That would make me happy!

Thank you.
Responses (1)
  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, February 09 2015, 06:55 PM - #Permalink
    Thanks for the suggestion. Well, nobody really asked that to us before, seems like a very specific requirement.. what you could do simply is to shrink the size of those columns (using CSS for example) to avoid the waste of space...
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