ISSUE: DOMContentLoaded: 31.5 s

Hi Supportteam,

I have installed the dompdf folder in (/components/com_invoices/helpers/...) and now my shop loads very slow.
It takes more then 30 seconds to load the webshop page.
I tested it with several refresh actions, sometimes it worked fine, but overall I still get occasionally some slow loads on the shop.

So I did a inspect element on the Network (see screenshot)
As you can see it takes more then 30 seconds to load the DOMContent.

I tested this also on another environment and with the same result.
After I deleted the folder the performance returned to normal.

So there must be something wrong with this folder.

Hope you can take a look.

P.S. You have to login first, before you can see the webshop.
How can I give you the buyerlogin in a secure way?
In my profile I can only give you the superadmin login.

Kind regards,
Responses (4)
  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, January 30 2017, 08:36 PM - #Permalink
    UPDATE: I have put the buyer logindetails into the TAB Site Details
    You need them to login on the website before you can see the shop.
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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, January 31 2017, 10:38 AM - #Permalink
    well this is weird. Basically, because the DOMPDF functions are not called at all when viewing the pages. They are only called when a PDf needs to be rendered...

    can you send me login access data so I can take a look?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, January 31 2017, 01:13 PM - #Permalink
    I'm agree!

    The strange thing is that the performance is oké right now.
    So I think it's a coincidence and I will check the hoster if there was a failure.
    But the stange thing was that is was only on the webshop menu-item. All the other menu-items worked fine.

    I let you know if I find something.

    By the way the login access is stored in my profile page. Is that the correct place for you?
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  • Accepted Answer

    Tuesday, January 31 2017, 05:13 PM - #Permalink
    well, if you want to send me access is better if you send me a PM (click on the PM button on the left)
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