Missing PDF Button

In the demo I see a PDF button. This is missing in my installation.

How can I activate it?
Responses (1)
  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, February 17 2020, 09:37 AM - #Permalink
    tieronline wrote:

    In the demo I see a PDF button. This is missing in my installation.

    How can I activate it?

    Soved :D - i didnt install the DomPDF

    Installing DomPDF library (for creating PDF for invoices)

    Download the file dompdf.zip from My Downloads
    Unzip the file. You should obtain a folder called /dompdf
    Copy that file into /components/com_invoices/helpers/ folder
    The resultant folder should be /components/com_invoices/helpers/dompdf/
    Make sure you are running PHP 5 or greater (otherwise DomDPF will not run)
    Make sure your PHP directive MAGIC QUOTES is set to OFF (otherwise DomPDF may encounter problems)
    Create a new folder in the root of your Joomla installation, and name it "pdfinvoices". This is necessary in order to be able to attach PDF invoices when you send email invoices.
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