Update or upgrade needed!

We are working with the newest version of calendar planner. Will there be an extra field long description in the next version? The click on the titel shows me the complete "short" (too short) description again with a bigger map. This makes no sense. Showing start and ending time is nice, but date would be enough. URL is not needed in this "list view". A button "more information" needs to be added that could bring me to the next viewdisplay of the single event:

Titel + Long description (formated text with images) + links to eventpage + link to contact formular or emailadress + more fields for telephone number, messenger id, ... + big map + link to an installed gallery e.g. to present the location or something else

Some more ideas:

integration of the joomla tag system
category images
event image
filter for countries
Responses (1)
  • Accepted Answer

    Monday, July 27 2015, 12:51 PM - #Permalink

    thanks for all the ideas!

    we may work to add some of these into a new release, but most likely not all of them...
    but all suggestions are most welcomed of course!
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