Alternative layout for invoice creation form

Starting on version 1.2.1, Invoice Manager has a very complete layout that shows all the fields at one when you create a new invoice.

However, we've noticed that this layout may be too wide for some screens, and that can result in a layout where some of the fields overlap each other, making it confusing and not nice.

To avoid this, we've created an alternative layout for the invoice creation form page that groups de input fields into tabs, to look much better in narrower screens.

How to install the alternative layout

  1. Download the ZIP file attached in this article. Make sure you download the right version (for Joomla 2.5 or 3.x)
  2. Unzip the file in your computer. the result will be a file called form.php
  3. Copy this file into your site's /administrator/components/com_invoices/views/invoice/tmpl/ folder, replacing the file with the same name you will see in it.
  4. You're done!

The files to download

Alternative layout for Joomla 2.5

Alternative layout for Joomla 3.x